Tanzanian Star Diamond Platinumz Calls for Respect, Claims He Avoids Nigerian Shows Due to Undervaluing


In a recent interview, Tanzanian music icon Diamond Platnumz addressed his absence from the Nigerian performance scene. He claims it stems from a lack of respect shown towards East African artists by event organizers and fellow musicians.

Diamond emphasizes the need for East African artists to establish industry standards to elevate their brand value and gain proper recognition. He suggests that Nigerian counterparts haven’t recognize  East African artists, leading to his decision to avoid performing there.

Diamond isn’t mincing words. He believes the East African music industry deserves better treatment. His solution? Setting standards. He argues that East African artists need to establish a strong brand identity and demand proper recognition

Diamond’s comments could be a catalyst for a much-needed conversation about fairness and appreciation within the African music industry. Is there a silent East-West divide? Do East African artists deserve a bigger slice of the spotlight?

This isn’t just about Diamond either. His statement could empower other East African artists to demand the respect they believe they deserve. Will this lead to collaboration or competition?

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