Otile Brown Booed by Fans During his Live Performance at Raha Festival


Otile Brown’s performance at the Raha Festival became a nightmare when frustrated fans turned on him. Videos circulating online show Brown struggling to win over the crowd, who respond with loud boos and chants of “Kwendaaa, tumechokaa” (“Go away, we are tired”) This disastrous performance comes on the heels of a recent interview with Obinna where Brown ignited controversy by suggesting there are no international music stars in East Africa. It appears these comments may have been the spark that ignited the audience’s disapproval at the festival.

Brown, who is currently promoting his new album “Grace,” was hoping to use Raha Festival as a platform to connect with fans. However, the negative reception suggests his performance fell flat. Whether it was the choice of songs, stage presence, or lingering resentment from his interview remarks, Brown’s attempt to excite the crowd backfired spectacularly.

This incident has reignited discussions about the state of East African music on the global stage. Brown’s comments, coupled with the audience’s reaction, highlight the complex relationship between artists and fans. While Brown may believe his statement was a call to action for the industry, it seems to have backfired, creating a rift between him and his audience.


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